As a result of fast and modern lives, millions of people suffer from health issues that occur as a result of unhealthy lifestyle and insomnia is such disorder. In order to solve the issue with inability to sleep, many people decide to take pills, but the results are temporary.

Well, in today’s article we are going to present you the cure for insomnia.

Have you ever heard of quenepa? Well, quenepa is fruit-bearing tree, also known as Spanish lime and it is incredibly beneficial. The fruit of this tree has the ability to boost the brain and in same time prevent insomnia.

The quenepa fruit

Spanish lime or quenepa fruit is exotic fruit originating from South and Central America, and parts of the Caribbean, as well.

This fruit has specific sour and sweet taste and to improve the taste, many people add a pinch of salt, lime or chilly.

According to many experts, the quenepa fruit is a mix of lychee and lime with firm and delicate flesh and it has really hard shell.

This fruit is called Spanish lime due to its shape and yellowish color.

Americans know this fruit as Spanish lime since it is similar to lime and is yellowish. This fruit grows in a cluster groups and its flesh is soft and jelly-like. The aril is colorful and has a seedy pulp.

Nutrition info

The quenepa fruit is extremely beneficial and it contains numerous nutrients, including:
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamins B1, B3, B6 and B12
  • Amino acids
  • Minerals
  • Proteins
  • Unsaturated fat acids (linoleic and oleic)
  • Calcium
  • Fiber
  • Iron
  • Carotene
  • Thiamine
  • Riboflavin
  • Tryptophan
  • Niacin
In addition to this, this exotic fruit is abundant with fiber and it is great in case of constipation. There are many studies which have proved that this fruit lowers high cholesterol levels in the blood.

This fruit contains high amounts of vitamin A and it boosts the immunity and prevents occurrence of urinary tract infections as well as formation of stones. The Spanish lime is rich in minerals including calcium, which is great for the teeth and bones. Also, this fruit contains antioxidants which fight against free radicals and prevent occurrence of cancer. Phosphorus contained in the quenepa fruit is improves the digestion and balances hormones. In the same time, this fruit regulates blood pressure and cures asthma. According to many experts, the phenolic items boost immunity and prevent heart issues.

Health benefit of quenepa fruit:
  • Removal of parasites
  • Boosts immunity and destroys bacteria
  • Fights lung and urinary issues
  • Boosts reproductive health
  • Treats constipation
  • Cures skin issues
  • Treats kidney issues
  • Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Makes more red blood cells, stops anemia
  • Heals gum issues
  • Stops flu and bronchitis
  • Cures insomnia
  • To treat diarrhea, simply mix roasted quenepa seeds and honey
